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Episode archive

Depths of Depravity pt 1

Our first two part ep! These two eps might also be the most vulgar we have ever released. So if you have baby ears, dont even click ilsten. But if you have the ears of an adult, please..listen. We also answer some questions from people who didnt’t ask us for answers.

Vegas Redux

Jose and Bluben went to Vegas, Clowns do cry from time to time, never go to the glitter gulch, and beat up vagina is never becoming. Also, a big announcement at the end of the show!

Willy Wonka is a Twisted Man

Blubens in modesto via Phone, Easter is a mixed bag of emotions and chocolate, Jose enjoys ham, Black people are taking over bowling, and Wakka has a theory on how Willy Wonka came to be.

This is Uncomfortable

We talk of times that have made us feel out of place, seeing as how we are not in the Tree House.  We also might have offended asian people, Bluben thanks god a little too much during a pre-dinner grace, and jose would wear slacks all day for the right amount of money.

Grab Bag

We complain about stupid things, discuss the finer films of arnold, and talk about things that didnt make sense as kids, but now make a whole bunch of sense. Also, my aunt got her car impounded due to some hooligans smuggling coke in it.

The Late Edition

I have a baby, Kyle sits in, and Bluben learns that it is possible to soil oneself when they are giving birth. Also, we kind of just jump all over the place topically, join us won’t you?

We hate on kids

Kids have it fucking easy, the dog barks again, and we learn that woody probably saw more of andy than we think.

Wakka looks like Mick Foley

Cousin mike joins us for an amotional chat about wrasslin’. We speak of the Top 50 wrestlers, ECW, certain wrestlers doing meth, and we gush about The Undertaker.

Dances with Dumbo Before Time

Its emotions time for us here at the THC. What movies did we cry during? Which movie made our friend Zach weep his sad eyes out over? Why doesnt Wakka like Forrest Gump? You have to listen to find out.

Special Helping Specialer

We accept that Bluben looks like Mario and working with the developmentally disabled is both mentally taxing and rewarding. And much more!

Gunshots and lead umbrellas

Jose and wakka discuss the X-Men cartoon, their high schools, the FFA, and things to come in the New Year.

THC Christmas Extravitacular

Its the holidays and we go over the worst presents, best movies, all that cliche holiday stuff. No jose, but enjoy the new mic and finished for now Tree House Studios.


Jose talks about his cats, Bluben has an adventure at an all black party, and we find out why a Cincinnati bowtie doesn’t match any color suit.

Episode 8- We almost die

We almost burn to death, vampires suck, and Jose’s not here. They also talk about good vagina and more.

Episode7-Oklahoma is Native American for “meth”

@hyebird Guests to tell us all about his time in Oklahoma. They still have swats, people do meth, and you can’t put out a chemical fire with water.  We also learn that Zach likes big girls.

thc episode 6- viva las vegas (and mexico)

The boys talk about their trips to Las Vegas and Mexico. Wakka gets a  handicapped scooter on two wheels and Jose pee’s on a ladder. Also, Wakka drunk dials Jose, bluben eats a brownie,  jose wastes money in style and more!


We sit down to talk about how the world will end. Will it be zombies, Aliens, or good ole’ fashioned Jesus? We also drink out of a mini-keg and figure out why i cant pour a good beer. Listen away!

episode 4- Nerding

Video games, seizures, self fellatio, and some blackface dot this episode. Would jose have a


Lost episode now up for listening pleasure. First episode where we hear all three hosts. This is the start of something big.


So episode 2 is up. It features me and my buddy bluben. We talk about the fun times we have had together and speculate on the more to come. Of course my dog had to interrupt things, but we cut that out. Now that you have met all three of us, the next episode will be all three of us. Hope you guys can handle it. Please leave a comment and let us know what you think. We need feedback. What kind of stuff do you want to hear from us? Games? News? Topical debate? Sports junk? Tell us! We crave input! So without further ado


here we go! Episode 1 is up. I have giovanni from the Get It On Podcast to thank for helping me out with all this. Without him, most of this would not have been done in such a professional and timely manner. so sit back, relax and listen to how jose pees on himself, how we met, and how his trip in mexico went. The music is needy eevy. check them out at or look them up on facebook. They’re a cute group of girls who play good music. Also, check out giovannis podcast at So without further ado

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