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Episode 43- A return…of sorts

June 30, 2013

A Return..of sorts

Hey guys, its super late at night while i type this. I dont know if we still have listeners, but if we do, thank you. Now if you could start sharing this nonsense with a friend, it would be great. Were trying a new format for the show, now with an ad! Enjoy this show, thanks for listening, and dont forget to like us on Facebook or give us a review on Itunes.

Episode 42- Open bar is awesome

February 27, 2013

Open Bar Is Awesome

A bit of superbowl talk, bluben loses his phone, and cockles makes an appearance. Do all that social networking crap that involves us.

Episode 41- The New Years Episode

January 30, 2013

New Years Episode

Its a new year which means new episodes. We talk of resolutions, get drunk, and Jose and Wakka, in their infinite wisdom, talk of boxing each other. Follow us on Twitter @thcpodcast and like us on Facebook.

Episode 40- the Christmas special

January 10, 2013

The Christmas special episode


Its that time of year, kind of, where we talk about Christmasy things. And Star Wars. Follow us on Twitter @THCPodcast, and like us on facebook. Also, tell your friends. Fucking tell them!

Episode 39- Halloweentime

November 18, 2012


Its that time of year when scary shit comes out. Join us as Jose falls asleep, Blubens fear of clowns is explained, and why the movie teeth was not a good movie for wakka. Joining us is studio manager Bob and Blubens brother, Roman. Follow us on Twitter @THCPodcast, like us on facebook, and fuck iTunes.

Episode 38- Pedestrians are second rate

November 5, 2012

Pedestrians are second rate

Jose rides a horse, Bluben gets hit by a car while riding a bike, Wakka “foils” a robbery and falls out of a truck in the process, and Jose’s sister has a Budweiser horse in her presence at her “becoming a woman party”. Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter @THCpodcast, and rate us on iTunes. Whatever.